Thursday, April 22, 2010

Semester two, Blog #15

Many aspects of our modern world can be traced wholly or in part to World War 2 and it's aftermath. Take a look at the following list and select one section that interests you most. Write a blog entry in which you explain why it interests you, what you already know and what you hope to learn about it in the near future. Optional, but highly encouraged: post pictures, images, and links to helpful resources.

* Technology (like nuclear energy) --

After World War Two Technology has changed dramatically, it has evolved in many ways. There is more then one-way radios to communicate with other comrades. Testing Technologies has also changed instead of using citizens they can now corectly test prototypes of weapons.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Honors--Blog #2

How/Why is/are World Wars 1 and/or 2 important today? How do they impact and/or inform our world today? hint: think about alliances, democracies around the world, cultures, international institutions, nuclear (and other) technologies, etc.

To say that World War One and Two have impacted our world as we know it today, is a highly agreeable statement. These World Wars have provided growth, new laws, and improved technologies into our communities and battlefields.

"The 1910s was a decade of great change for America. It was during this decade that the United States was first considered a world leader. Many of the issues of 1910 are ones we face today: including the escalation of immigration and poverty, labor and monopoly battles, work safety and child labor problems. World War I - the first 'war to end all wars' raged. The 1910s were the decade America came of age." War, know to many as un-justifiable just may for cultural improvement/growth. After these World War's America was never known as the failing country, or use as an Scapegoat.

During these World Wars Ethnicity was also put aside, African Ameican men were allowed to fight for their contry and be patriotic "During World War I many black troops were eager to fight but most provided support services. Only a small percentage were actually involved in combat. Yet, the African American presence in France--helping in any capacity--often elicited overwhelming gratitude from the French. Both the French and the American troops enjoyed listening to African American bands who sometimes introduced blues and jazz rhythms previously unknown to their listeners." Although the amount of African Americans were not part of majority they were treated equally during combat, and somewhat bonded with fellow comrades. By exchanging cultural difference through music.

Justifable or not, War brings on growth in countries. We are taught to learn from our mistakes and war is the perfect example. We can learn to not follow through plans, use better technologies, and etc.
Cited Sources:
Dowling, Mike, "Alliances Lead to a Great War," available from; Internet; updated Sunday, January 22, 2006.

Unknown "African Americans in the war" available from

Peggy Whitley. 1999. Latest update: Nov. 2008 "American Culture"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Semester two, blog #14

1. What are the most interesting aspects of World Wars 1 and 2?

- Assination started the war.
- Franz Ferdinand was assinated.
- The guys that were hired to assinate him, had many failed attempts [saw video in Lori's class]
- Netherlands stayed together the entire war.
- Hilter provoked Worl War Two by stealing land
- Netherlands fought in World War Two
- Cruel testing of warfare was tested on humans.

2. What do you hope to learn about these wars?

I hope to re-learn a lot of what I learned and I would also like to learn about the ending of World War One, since i forgot.

3. How/Why are these wars important today? How do they impact and/or inform our world today? hint: think about alliances, democracies around the world, cultures, international institutions, nuclear (and other) technologies, etc.
These wars are important because they have given the world history to thrive off of and learn from wether it ruined or mad a country. New warfare was built which brought on new ideas for other countries. Propaganda increased and expanded. And countries were motivated to expand their Armies.