The Reconstruction Era is the common name for the period in United States history which covers the post-Civil War era in the entire United States between 1865 and 1877.
"Reconstruction" is a term that refers to the policies implemented between 1863 and 1877 when the nation was focused on winning the Civil War, abolishing slavery, defeating the Confederacy, reconstructing the nation and amending the US Constitution. Reconstruction policies were debated in the North as soon as the war began, and commenced in earnest after the Emancipation Proclamation, issued on January 1, 1863. The federal occupation of major parts of southern states allowed the formation of new, racially integrated state governments. President Abraham Lincoln was the major policymaker until his assassination in April 1865. Reconstruction began in each state as soon as federal troops controlled most of the state.
The period of federal control ended at different times in different states, with the Compromise of 1877 seeing the collapse of the last three Republican state governments in the South. While 1877 is the usual date given for the end of Reconstruction, some historians extend the era to the 1890s.[1] Reconstruction was followed in the South by domination by the Democratic Party and the enactment of Jim Crow laws, grandfather clauses and similar measures. The bitterness and repercussions from the heated conflicts of the era lasted well into the 20th century.
This brief summary of the Civil War and the Resconstruction era has should me that it is important to reconstruct what other have destroyed for reason they thought were agreeable at the moment, i think it was important to reconstruct because if it were never put back together no one would live in the south because it would look like a third world country. I think it went bad because this could have been evidence or some type of historic and educational value to the future generations.
This blog consist of humanities assignments, for honor and course. If you want to follow me throughout my journey of Internship look in the month of January.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
media blog #9

The biggest problem can be the smallest thing, and that's the case in the sewer world.
More than 20 million gallons of raw sewage spilled into California waterways last year, according to the state Department of Water Resources Control Board. That's not counting the partially treated sewage that makes its way into our water from overflows and sewer system malfunctions.
Many big sewer pipes are old, and many of the sewage treatment plants are antiquated. But the biggest problem faced by sewer systems in California is the tiny pipe called the lateral.
That's the pipe that runs from your home to the street, the small pipes under all of our homes that end up joining the bigger sewer pipes. When those pipes develop cracks, water leaks into them.
Storm water itself would not overwhelm a sewage system, because it's designed to be a closed system. Storm water is not supposed to BE in sewer pipes. So in one way, it shouldn't even matter what the weather is like – storm water shouldn't really mix with sewage at all.
But during a rainstorm, water seeps into your broken lateral pipe, and all your neighbors' pipes, and that rainwater mixes with sewage in the sewer pipes, and the volume of water/sewage can actually build up far beyond the capacity of the sewer pipe. And in the same way, thousands and thousands of gallons of water mixed in with the sewage can swamp a treatment plant during a rainstorm.
That's the number one concern of sewage treatment plants now. And the sewer districts need your help.
Those laterals are owned by homeowners. They're on private land, so the district can't just go in there and tear them up to replace or fix them.
However, most sewer districts offer a service where they will inspect your laterals to check for leaks, and many have started programs where the district will help pay the cost of repairing or replacing those pipes.
Sewer systems are run by local municipalities. Most communities have a local sewer district, and officials at the district can help you inspect and fix your lateral pipes.
I feel this story ties into our Media saves the beach project because it is talking about sewage spills and how they happen and how they can be prevented, today our class got to witness an sewage spill and we saw the various warning signs about the contaminated water and how they life guards were warning the sufers to get out. This type of information can be found anywhere and I feel as a class we can make this issue known and get people (homeowner's) to fix thier lateral pipes which are the problem with sewage spills into the ocean. This can help because over time those pipes get old obviously and crack, break, and leak and when it rain our sewage flows into the ocean whether we know it or not
More than 20 million gallons of raw sewage spilled into California waterways last year, according to the state Department of Water Resources Control Board. That's not counting the partially treated sewage that makes its way into our water from overflows and sewer system malfunctions.
Many big sewer pipes are old, and many of the sewage treatment plants are antiquated. But the biggest problem faced by sewer systems in California is the tiny pipe called the lateral.
That's the pipe that runs from your home to the street, the small pipes under all of our homes that end up joining the bigger sewer pipes. When those pipes develop cracks, water leaks into them.
Storm water itself would not overwhelm a sewage system, because it's designed to be a closed system. Storm water is not supposed to BE in sewer pipes. So in one way, it shouldn't even matter what the weather is like – storm water shouldn't really mix with sewage at all.
But during a rainstorm, water seeps into your broken lateral pipe, and all your neighbors' pipes, and that rainwater mixes with sewage in the sewer pipes, and the volume of water/sewage can actually build up far beyond the capacity of the sewer pipe. And in the same way, thousands and thousands of gallons of water mixed in with the sewage can swamp a treatment plant during a rainstorm.
That's the number one concern of sewage treatment plants now. And the sewer districts need your help.
Those laterals are owned by homeowners. They're on private land, so the district can't just go in there and tear them up to replace or fix them.
However, most sewer districts offer a service where they will inspect your laterals to check for leaks, and many have started programs where the district will help pay the cost of repairing or replacing those pipes.
Sewer systems are run by local municipalities. Most communities have a local sewer district, and officials at the district can help you inspect and fix your lateral pipes.
I feel this story ties into our Media saves the beach project because it is talking about sewage spills and how they happen and how they can be prevented, today our class got to witness an sewage spill and we saw the various warning signs about the contaminated water and how they life guards were warning the sufers to get out. This type of information can be found anywhere and I feel as a class we can make this issue known and get people (homeowner's) to fix thier lateral pipes which are the problem with sewage spills into the ocean. This can help because over time those pipes get old obviously and crack, break, and leak and when it rain our sewage flows into the ocean whether we know it or not
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
media saves the beach

For this project I am really excited to learn new things and to get started with the hands on section. I feel for this project I want to create a video because I feel I learn better with videos and I get a chance to replay something I didnt understand or quite catch. I am also preparing for the writing section because writing is something I love doing and I feel I will enjoy that part very much. I can not wait to see all of the things we are going to find in the water and brainstorm ideas as to how we are going to save the beach!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
american icon final

Jasmine Roesner
I was in my room with my fat cat buttercup with the door closed. From the living room I could hear my moms new CD blasting the words “I keep on fallin’ in…and out of love with you” I opened my door to hear the song better, I walked into the living room and sat on the couch and listened closely to her words with such power and love. Her voice sounded as simple as someone speaking, not over powered by the piano just loud enough. It sounded amazing as she sang her love frustrations only to me, as a singer I wanted to be just like Alicia Keys memorable and giving with helping the world become a peaceful place with my powerful voice.
I was raised by a hard working single mother like Alicia keys, her mother was an actress and paralegal, my mother was young, divorced , and raising two kids and had just earned her bachelors degree in science. I remember living in homeless shelters and in our family car at one point, but as a child I was naïve to all the poverty and financial instability around me because my hard working mother loved me and showed it and that is all that mattered back then. When I think about it now I am worried that will be my future, but I will only remember my past as a lesson and not a reality for the future, when I reflect on my past I am thankful because it only taught me to do better for my family and to stay strong and positive no matter what I am going through.
Alicia Keys and I both grew up with an absent father in life, my mother was raped at the age of eighteen and had me when she was nineteen, Alicia Keys parents only spilt up but she still was on good terms with her father. I grew up without the realization that something was missing in my life until the age of eleven. One day I noticed that race was a huge thing, I grew very jealous of my younger half sister for being half white and half black and grew up with such hate about the fact that I never got to see my father’s face.
I feel when I become a parent I would like to have a known independence and leave my kids with a image of a strong woman, but I would like to have a husband to help me throughout our children’s lives and let them know that we believe fully in their dreams and goals and they are more important than anything in the world.
But I feel it does not matter how many parents you are raised by or which one, it matters if their presence is felt in a positive way and from a young age they make it aware that they will always be there. “She ain't no different from me and he ain't no different from you so we got to live our dreams like the people on TV, this love is unbreakable.”
Keys, Alicia. "keep a child alive". keep a child alive. September 3rd
Keys, Alicia. "The official Alicia Keys Site". Alicia Keys fan club. September 3rd
I was in my room with my fat cat buttercup with the door closed. From the living room I could hear my moms new CD blasting the words “I keep on fallin’ in…and out of love with you” I opened my door to hear the song better, I walked into the living room and sat on the couch and listened closely to her words with such power and love. Her voice sounded as simple as someone speaking, not over powered by the piano just loud enough. It sounded amazing as she sang her love frustrations only to me, as a singer I wanted to be just like Alicia Keys memorable and giving with helping the world become a peaceful place with my powerful voice.
I was raised by a hard working single mother like Alicia keys, her mother was an actress and paralegal, my mother was young, divorced , and raising two kids and had just earned her bachelors degree in science. I remember living in homeless shelters and in our family car at one point, but as a child I was naïve to all the poverty and financial instability around me because my hard working mother loved me and showed it and that is all that mattered back then. When I think about it now I am worried that will be my future, but I will only remember my past as a lesson and not a reality for the future, when I reflect on my past I am thankful because it only taught me to do better for my family and to stay strong and positive no matter what I am going through.
Alicia Keys and I both grew up with an absent father in life, my mother was raped at the age of eighteen and had me when she was nineteen, Alicia Keys parents only spilt up but she still was on good terms with her father. I grew up without the realization that something was missing in my life until the age of eleven. One day I noticed that race was a huge thing, I grew very jealous of my younger half sister for being half white and half black and grew up with such hate about the fact that I never got to see my father’s face.
I feel when I become a parent I would like to have a known independence and leave my kids with a image of a strong woman, but I would like to have a husband to help me throughout our children’s lives and let them know that we believe fully in their dreams and goals and they are more important than anything in the world.
But I feel it does not matter how many parents you are raised by or which one, it matters if their presence is felt in a positive way and from a young age they make it aware that they will always be there. “She ain't no different from me and he ain't no different from you so we got to live our dreams like the people on TV, this love is unbreakable.”
Keys, Alicia. "keep a child alive". keep a child alive. September 3rd
Keys, Alicia. "The official Alicia Keys Site". Alicia Keys fan club. September 3rd
Monday, September 14, 2009
When I first started to write my artist statement I realized that I tend to ramble about the connections between me and my American Icon instead of making it a true relationship I made comparisons for example: "Both Alicia Keys and I were raised with absent fathers, however Alicia Keys knew her father and was on good terms with him."
One writing technique I really focused on in class we the concerts not pancakes because I was so focused on making Randy and the rest of the people reading my artist statement say "wow that was so good Jasmine." I used it by bringing my actual personal life into my paper and it made my paper more emotional and the connection that more real.
If I had time to do one more draft I think I would extend my paper it I had the space, or I would use more vocabulary words for example: when people critiqued my work they said "you use this word too much and it sound redundant."
Sentence: I remember living in homeless shelters and in our family car at one point, but as a child I was naïve to all the poverty and financial instability around me because my hard working mother loved me and showed it and that is all that mattered back then. To me this sentence says a lot about the struggles I have been through and how a strong single mother like mine was always there for me and protected me from the cruel world while I was actually living it.
One writing technique I really focused on in class we the concerts not pancakes because I was so focused on making Randy and the rest of the people reading my artist statement say "wow that was so good Jasmine." I used it by bringing my actual personal life into my paper and it made my paper more emotional and the connection that more real.
If I had time to do one more draft I think I would extend my paper it I had the space, or I would use more vocabulary words for example: when people critiqued my work they said "you use this word too much and it sound redundant."
Sentence: I remember living in homeless shelters and in our family car at one point, but as a child I was naïve to all the poverty and financial instability around me because my hard working mother loved me and showed it and that is all that mattered back then. To me this sentence says a lot about the struggles I have been through and how a strong single mother like mine was always there for me and protected me from the cruel world while I was actually living it.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The feedback I recieved today was helpful becuase the person I traded with told me to be more detailed about my feelings throughout my story, this feedback helped me becuase it made my paper longer and more personal. It also helps paint a picture in the readers mind so the relationship is deeper. The goals for this artist statement is to wow Randy and anyone else that reads it. I am proud of the relationship I have showed so far but I want people to get more than that from my paper.
Super Woman
One hot summer day I was in my room playing with my fat cat with the door closed, from the living room I could hear my moms new CD blasting the words “I keep on fallin’ in…and out of love with you” I opened my door wanting to hear the song better, speed walking into the living room I sat on the couch listening closely to her words with such power and love. As a singer I wanted to be just like Alicia Keys memorable and giving by helping the world become a peaceful place. I was raised by a hard working single mother like Alicia keys, her mother was an actress and paralegal, on the other hand my mother was recently divorced , raising two kids and had just earned her bachelors degree in science. I remember living in homeless shelters and in our family car, but as a child I was naïve to all the poverty and financial instability because my hard working mother loved me and showed it and that is all that mattered back then. Thinking about it know I am worried that will be my future, but I will only allow my past be a lesson and not a reality for the future, reflecting on my past I am thankful because it only taught me to do better for my family and to stay strong and positive no matter what I am going through. Like Alicia Keys I had an absent father in my life, my mother was raped at the age of eighteen and had me when she was nineteen, however Alicia Keys parents just spilt up but she still was on good terms with her father. I grew up not realizing that something was missing in my life until the age of eleven. Just noticing that race was a huge thing in my life, I grew very jealous of my younger half sister for being half white and half black and grew up hating the fact that I never got to see my father’s face. I feel when I become a parent I would like have a feeling of independence and leave my kids with a feeling that I am a strong woman, but I would like to have a husband to help me throughout our children’s lives and let them know that we believe fully in their dreams and goals and they are more important than anything in the world. But I feel it does not matter how many parents you are raised by or which one, it matters if their presence is felt in a positive way and they make it aware to you from a young age that they are there for you and will always be. Just like Alicia Keys mom and my mom.
Super Woman
One hot summer day I was in my room playing with my fat cat with the door closed, from the living room I could hear my moms new CD blasting the words “I keep on fallin’ in…and out of love with you” I opened my door wanting to hear the song better, speed walking into the living room I sat on the couch listening closely to her words with such power and love. As a singer I wanted to be just like Alicia Keys memorable and giving by helping the world become a peaceful place. I was raised by a hard working single mother like Alicia keys, her mother was an actress and paralegal, on the other hand my mother was recently divorced , raising two kids and had just earned her bachelors degree in science. I remember living in homeless shelters and in our family car, but as a child I was naïve to all the poverty and financial instability because my hard working mother loved me and showed it and that is all that mattered back then. Thinking about it know I am worried that will be my future, but I will only allow my past be a lesson and not a reality for the future, reflecting on my past I am thankful because it only taught me to do better for my family and to stay strong and positive no matter what I am going through. Like Alicia Keys I had an absent father in my life, my mother was raped at the age of eighteen and had me when she was nineteen, however Alicia Keys parents just spilt up but she still was on good terms with her father. I grew up not realizing that something was missing in my life until the age of eleven. Just noticing that race was a huge thing in my life, I grew very jealous of my younger half sister for being half white and half black and grew up hating the fact that I never got to see my father’s face. I feel when I become a parent I would like have a feeling of independence and leave my kids with a feeling that I am a strong woman, but I would like to have a husband to help me throughout our children’s lives and let them know that we believe fully in their dreams and goals and they are more important than anything in the world. But I feel it does not matter how many parents you are raised by or which one, it matters if their presence is felt in a positive way and they make it aware to you from a young age that they are there for you and will always be. Just like Alicia Keys mom and my mom.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
photography techinques

I plan on using the following technique side lighting because of the picture I have in mind of my american Icon she is off to the side and there is a bright ligth behind her.
This pictu

This last picture which i kin
d of hard to see represents overexposure and I only want to use this technique only because my skintone is darker than my American Icons so I feel side by side the contrast will look great.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
American Icons-Resources

This is a link to a video that Alicia Keys stars in and speaks on relationships and feelings she has gotten with her experiences with the organization.
This website is for Alicia Keys fans and is constantly updated with news, pictures, and videos or Alicia Keys.
Recents Award: BET AWARDS 2009 Humanitirian award recently won by Alicia Keys.

This website mentions the awards given to Rosa Parks and the things she has done in the past and it also speaks on the death of her.
Photo: The photo next to this text is a very famous photo of Rosa Parks on the bus when she refused to give up her seat to a white man, this photo to me represents a strong woman who changed the world.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
American Icons-ideas

Rosa parks is a woman who stands ups for herself, and is a woman that does not let anyone easily control or break her. She may have not noticed at the time but her refusing to sit in the back of the bus with the rest of the blacks, changed the world and how the Black American race is treated today. Being treated fairly was deeply important to Rosa parks she had enough of being treated unfairly and on long day after work she decided to sit were she did not belong. Rosa parks became important to American culture because she stood up for what she believed in and didn't let a racial rule ruin her day which ending up getting her arrested but she was not frowned upon that she was praised and had many people follow in her footsteps which led to a giant boycott against the public busing, the rule was then let go and Black Americans were able to sit wherever they pleased on the bus. Rosa parks became important to me because learning about her brave choices in Elementary school I was excited and looked up to Rosa parks ever since, her actions showed me that one person can be a leader and many will follow in your footsteps for change and you can see a change in the world.

eleventh grade.

This year I would definitely enjoy expanding my knowledge with various genres of reading material, and types/ styles of writing . My goals that I have set for myself this year include managing my grades to all A's or nothing lower than a B. I would also like to expand my vocabulary to avoid a constant use of one word throughout my essays, blogs, etc. Overall I would like to become a better student with a positive attitude and a goals to make for myself to better the real world.
In humanities I hope to learn a lot of new words and styles or formats of writings. I would also enjoy really getting into deeper thinking about text or different types of assignments so I can better relate to them or become more motivated. I hope that as a student I learn about how to write the perfect essay or paper, I would also like to learn how to become more self motivated.
In humanities I hope to learn a lot of new words and styles or formats of writings. I would also enjoy really getting into deeper thinking about text or different types of assignments so I can better relate to them or become more motivated. I hope that as a student I learn about how to write the perfect essay or paper, I would also like to learn how to become more self motivated.
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