This blog consist of humanities assignments, for honor and course. If you want to follow me throughout my journey of Internship look in the month of January.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Blog #25: The Great Gatsby
Women, educated human beings and are equal to all. Women are strong and should have class. In the book "The Great Gatsby" Women were not treated as equals and flirted with millionaires for attention and material things. The "New Women" was born in the 20's, she lost all self morals and lost all self respect and control. She wore ridiculous amounts of make-up and slept around without waiting for the right man to come along and respect her for who she is. In the book "The Great Gatsby" women had husbands but cheated on used them for money and slept with other men for more material object to keep them happy and busy.
In the novel, Daisy Buchanan had no morals or discipline. She was a flirt, free-spirited, and not a trustworthy woman. Daisy's cousins in the novel Nick Carroway, introduced Daisy to the reader as a Woman that gets around. Some of these comments were symbolic or on the low, when Daisy fell in love with Gatsby while she was married, Daisy as a person developed into an entirely different character. Although women make mistakes, a numerous amount show guilt or show self- discipline most likely if they mess up in their marriages.
Women like Daisy are also known as “gold diggers,” women alike have materialistic, and money hungry thoughts. She married Tom Buchanan for his wealth, although she was in love with Gatsby who was her summer love, but she chose not to wait for him to become wealthy. She didn’t wait for Gatsby because he had no money at the time, which motivated Gatsby to become a millionaire, for Daisy love and attention, its a good thing for her, Tom’s wealth paid off and Daisy has had the chance to appear in many in many newspapers and invited to many parties. In some ways she can be described as high maintenance pre-Madonna. Although, she does not fit the image of the new woman today, today the majority of women are now working for themselves instead of their husbands doing all the work. Today they also support and mother their children on their own, in the novel, Daisy did not seem to have a strong relationship or bond with her daughter.
One thing I noticed was that the women in the book allowed their husbands to beat them and cheat on them, like it was normal and okay, women today can still be hurt by their men but you don't really see them sticking around for the abuse no matter how much money their husband makes and how many diamonds, clothes, and cars he can provide for her.
This novel portrays a negative and weak image towards women, women have so much more self respect that is not shown throughout this novel. The female characters make women look so bad in this novel. They struggle to be the strong and motherly natured women we are today, yet Fitzgerald choose them to be weak and selfish women who only wanted shiny material objects to look at themselves through. Daisy, a woman that wants so much in life definitely does not paint an image of the women today, she allowed her husband to walk all over her and sleep around and have her relationship with her young daughter not fully form and grow, she had the chance to show her daughter how a real woman should act and should be treated but she allowed herself to push her daughter away.
Women today need to take better care of themselves and teach the young women how to act with self discipline and how to find a man that will truly love her for who she is and not what she looks like. Novels written like this set back the Women's rights a hundred years, they show that women are weak human beings and that we cant provide for ourselves and others on our own, I wonder if women even knew it was okay or "normal" to be respected by men. The men in this novel set women up to be pampered and hurt, Gatsby a man the respected all still allowed Daisy to control his life without showing her she is capable of doing things for herself while still being loved by a man.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
blog 24
The biggest problem can be the smallest thing, and that's the case in the sewer world.
More than 20 million gallons of raw sewage spilled into California waterways last year, according to the state Department of Water Resources Control Board. That's not counting the partially treated sewage that makes its way into our water from overflows and sewer system malfunctions.
Many big sewer pipes are old, and many of the sewage treatment plants are antiquated. But the biggest problem faced by sewer systems in California is the tiny pipe called the lateral.
That's the pipe that runs from your home to the street, the small pipes under all of our homes that end up joining the bigger sewer pipes. When those pipes develop cracks, water leaks into them.
Storm water itself would not overwhelm a sewage system, because it's designed to be a closed system. Storm water is not supposed to BE in sewer pipes. So in one way, it shouldn't even matter what the weather is like – storm water shouldn't really mix with sewage at all.
But during a rainstorm, water seeps into your broken lateral pipe, and all your neighbors' pipes, and that rainwater mixes with sewage in the sewer pipes, and the volume of water/sewage can actually build up far beyond the capacity of the sewer pipe. And in the same way, thousands and thousands of gallons of water mixed in with the sewage can swamp a treatment plant during a rainstorm.
That's the number one concern of sewage treatment plants now. And the sewer districts need your help.
Those laterals are owned by homeowners. They're on private land, so the district can't just go in there and tear them up to replace or fix them.
However, most sewer districts offer a service where they will inspect your laterals to check for leaks, and many have started programs where the district will help pay the cost of repairing or replacing those pipes.
Sewer systems are run by local municipalities. Most communities have a local sewer district, and officials at the district can help you inspect and fix your lateral pipes.
I feel this story ties into our Media saves the beach project because it is talking about sewage spills and how they happen and how they can be prevented, today our class got to witness an sewage spill and we saw the various warning signs about the contaminated water and how they life guards were warning the sufers to get out. This type of information can be found anywhere and I feel as a class we can make this issue known and get people (homeowner's) to fix thier lateral pipes which are the problem with sewage spills into the ocean. This can help because over time those pipes get old obviously and crack, break, and leak and when it rain our sewage flows into the ocean whether we know it or not.
My blog 23
Judge orders seals away from La Jolla children's beach
July 20, 2009 1:00 pm
A San Diego County Superior Court judge today ordered the city of San Diego to shoo the harbor seals off the beach at the Children's Pool in La Jolla by Thursday.
But an attorney representing seal lovers plans to seek a restraining order from a federal judge that would block the city from removing the seals.
Superior Court Judge Yuri Hoffman said today that state law requires the beach be kept clean for children under a 1931 deed to the property.
Attorneys for the city asked Hoffman to delay his ruling, noting that the Legislature in Sacramento has voted to allow the city to decide whether the seals should stay or go.
But Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has yet to sign the legislation, and Hoffman, increasingly impatient with the city, said he was not willing to wait until the governor makes his decision.
In the two-decade fight over the seals on the tiny beach, federal courts have sided with seal lovers, noting that the creatures are protected by federal law. The standoff between federal court and superior court has cost San Diego hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.
If the bill is signed in Sacramento, the City Council plans to declare the beach a marine sanctuary and allow the seals to remain.
Attorney Bryan Pease, representing the pro-seal side, said he plans to seek a restraining order from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to delay Hoffman's ruling. Pease called Hoffman's ruling both extreme and illegal.
Under the ruling by Hoffman, the city has 72 hours to disperse the seals into the water, probably by the use of loud noises.
-- Tony Perry
complete news article
This news article is talking about a judge wanting to kick out the seals from the La Jolla children's pool to keep it a safe and clean environment for the children. People believe the beach is better off without the seals and their fecal matter.
The most important information is that there are organizations that are willing to help the seals keep their home.
Some of the information this article is missing is the science (or biology) behind it like stating what fecal matter can do to the human body or how it can harm the environment.
This information helps me with my Media Saves The Beach project because I am focusing on this exact location and animal, and this conteversy.
Lupe's blog 23
Council Will Decide What Happens To Seals
This was an article from November 13, 2009. it stated that the City Council was in charge of deciding the fate of the seals at La Jolla Children's Pool. A law will go into effect on January 1, it makes it clear the uses for the beach. Jan Goldsmith, a San Diego City attorney supports Judge Timothy Taylor's decision to rule out a 2005 state ruling that orders the seals removal.
The most important information is that the City Council will have the final decision, wether or not the seals will remain in La Jolla Children's Pool.
The article includes the interview of a Jan Goldsmith, the S.D City Attorney. Yet it misses other important information like the opinion from other City Attorneys. This will help us make assumptions on the issue. The Public opinion might not be relevant but I did wanted to see other peoples ideas.
I actually saw this article before i read another one about cigarette butts, which is the most littered item. But this article shows that the community is already looking at ways to clean and preserve our beaches.
San Diegans Urged To Throw Their Butts AwayNovember 13, 2009
SAN DIEGO — The local chapter of the Surfrider Foundation is holding a Cigarette Butt Awareness Day tomorrow. Activists will be at three busy intersections in beach communities to urge people to throw their butts away.
Cigarette butts are called the single most littered item in the United States. The problem has gotten even worse since many communities imposed indoor smoking bans.
San Diego bans smoking in city parks and on beaches, but discarded cigarette butts are still an issue.
Ken David, who is with the Surfrider Foundation, said butts aren't only a litter problem; they're also an environmental concern.
"Because you have birds and fish that mistake them for food," David said. "Also they are not made of cotton, they actually include plastics, so they never totally breakdown."
A recent study from San Diego State suggests cigarette butts should be classified as toxic hazardous waste.
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Children's Pool Seals
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Ruling Allowing Seals To Stay At Children's Pool Finalized
POSTED: 9:23 am PST November 13, 2009
UPDATED: 7:01 pm PST November 13, 2009
SAN DIEGO -- A colony of harbor seals that took over a beach in La Jolla that had been willed to children will be allowed to stay, a judge ruled Friday, possibly bringing an end to the prolonged legal tug-of-war over the cove.
The so-called Children's Pool was established in 1931 as a swimming area for children by the owner of the property, philanthropist Ellen Browning Scripps, who died the next year at age 95.
The seals moved in some years ago and turned the cove into a nesting area, to the delight of many children as well as environmentalists. But others felt the growing colony had become a nuisance and wanted the seals removed.
In 2004, swimmer Valerie O'Sullivan -- who now lives in New Zealand -- filed a lawsuit seeking to restore the area for human use, and the next year, Judge William Pate ordered the city of San Diego to dredge Children's Pool, at the city's expense, and disperse the seals.
Earlier this year, Judge Yuri Hofmann told city officials to comply with Pate's order.
But in July, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed legislation amending the trust that established the beach as a children's swimming pool, giving the San Diego City Council the discretion to designate area as a seal sanctuary.
On Friday, Superior Court Judge Timothy B. Taylor issued a final order ruling the seals can stay unless the city decides otherwise.
Taylor said the revised statute was "not a model of clarity," but that it "changes the whole basis for Judge Pate's findings."
Taylor said the issue was not so much the seals versus children, but "respect for the legislative and executive branches of government."
Paul Kennerson, the attorney representing O'Sullivan, told the judge he has spent nine years working on the seal issue and five years on the lawsuit.
"I'm proud to have been a part of it," Kennerson said. "This may well be the end of the line for my client."
It was too soon to tell if O'Sullivan will appeal the case in state court, Kennerson said.
Deputy City Attorney George Schaefer told reporters that the City Attorney's Office recommended in February that the city sponsor legislation to change the terms of the 1931 trust to give the city discretion on use of the beach.
He thanked San Diego lawmakers for carrying the legislation forward.
"Today's decision means that the issue can now be decided by the City Council and mayor the way public policy issues are supposed to be decided," Schaefer said.
EmailPrintText SizeJudge rules seals can stay at Children's Pool in La Jolla Cove
Posted: Nov 14, 2009 12:18 PM PST
Updated: Nov 14, 2009 12:49 PM PST
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Judge rules seals can stay at Children's Pool in La Jolla Cove
SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) -- A Superior Court judge Friday ruled a state law signed by the governor in July could allow the Children’s Pool in La Jolla to be designated as a seal sanctuary beginning in 2010.
The city was ordered to dredge the pool so it could be given back to swimmers earlier this year, but the governor’s bills set the stage for the pool to become the seals’ permanent home.
The area was designated as a Children’s Pool in 1931.
Visitors to La Jolla Cove said they are hopeful that this ruling will settle the issue once and for all, and they hope the city will spend the money it was using for lawyers’ fees on upgrades and other projects.
But while city officials said there are no upgrade projects in the pipeline, they do inspect the structure regularly.
While seal supported celebrated the win in court, the La Jolla Friends of Seals group has their eye on a marine mammal park establishment after Jan. 1, 2010, with some other upgrades.
The future of the Children’s Pool is in the city council’s hands. However, spending large amounts of money on upgrades may not be a priority for them.
Some seal supporters told News 8 that if the area is designated as a marine mammal park, some federal funding would become available.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
optional assignment--MSB
professional example
This example I choose was very helpful because this is professional and to the point, the pictures match perfectly with the captions explaining the hard times people went threw during the great depression. Although my project has nothing to do with the great depression this photo essay example was very clear on how to create one, when I start creating my project I will know how to better place my captions and pictures so it all flows very well. The writing in this example was informational and kept me wanting to read although its history. Throughout my own writing I would like to use a lot of scientifc research and evidence and other informational facts to answer to essential question.
Friday, November 13, 2009
blog 23
July 20, 2009 1:00 pm
A San Diego County Superior Court judge today ordered the city of San Diego to shoo the harbor seals off the beach at the Children's Pool in La Jolla by Thursday.
But an attorney representing seal lovers plans to seek a restraining order from a federal judge that would block the city from removing the seals.
Superior Court Judge Yuri Hoffman said today that state law requires the beach be kept clean for children under a 1931 deed to the property.
Attorneys for the city asked Hoffman to delay his ruling, noting that the Legislature in Sacramento has voted to allow the city to decide whether the seals should stay or go.
But Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has yet to sign the legislation, and Hoffman, increasingly impatient with the city, said he was not willing to wait until the governor makes his decision.
In the two-decade fight over the seals on the tiny beach, federal courts have sided with seal lovers, noting that the creatures are protected by federal law. The standoff between federal court and superior court has cost San Diego hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.
If the bill is signed in Sacramento, the City Council plans to declare the beach a marine sanctuary and allow the seals to remain.
Attorney Bryan Pease, representing the pro-seal side, said he plans to seek a restraining order from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to delay Hoffman's ruling. Pease called Hoffman's ruling both extreme and illegal.
Under the ruling by Hoffman, the city has 72 hours to disperse the seals into the water, probably by the use of loud noises.
-- Tony Perry
complete news article
This news article is talking about a judge wanting to kick out the seals from the La Jolla children's pool to keep it a safe and clean environment for the children. People believe the beach is better off without the seals and their fecal matter.
The most important information is that there are organizations that are willing to help the seals keep their home.
Some of the information this article is missing is the science (or biology) behind it like stating what fecal matter can do to the human body or how it can harm the environment.
This information helps me with my Media Saves The Beach project because I am focusing on this exact location and animal, and this conteversy.
the roaring twenties honors assignment
Another significant discovery that was made in the 1920's was insulin, Diabetes was know as a "killer disease" in the 20's and was not treatable until two researchers from Canada, Frederick Grant Banting (1891 - 1941) and Charles Herbert Best (1899 - 1978) made the incredible discovery of insulin. This hormone is very appreciated to this day as diabetes is on the rise in children and adults in America, Insulin simply regulates the blood sugar in a humans body so they can maintain a normal and healthy lifestyle, while controlling their diets.
During the 1920's, many American people saw as "the good times." These times of greatness would not last forever, however. The stock market crash of 1929 would end "The Roaring Twenties". The rise of the Great Depression would create hardships for many families. This to me is one of the most important events that took place in the 20's, because this is when America change entirely.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
MSB organization
The Oceanic Resource Foundation encourages the participation and support of individuals, corporations and private foundations in the protection of the EarthÃs marine environment.
Contributions can be made to a variety of conservation and research organizations that support field researchers and graduate students studying coral reef systems, provide laboratory materials, scuba diving equipment, underwater survey reels and clipboards, and travel subsistence. Sea turtle and whale researchers are supported with camping equipment, binoculars, boat charters, photographic equipment and film, veterinary supplies, all-terrain vehicles, non-polluting outboard motors, ARGOS satellite data acquisition, and international travel subsistence.
In coastal wetlands areas, numerous endangered species of flora and fauna live, all threatened by residential and commercial development. Many agencies are developing habitat suitability models and wetlands studies that will allow then to monitor and protect the fragile bay ecosystems. Ultimate research goals are to find solutions to marine environmental problems, develop educational materials, work closely with local communities, and bring about positive environmental change. Become a partner in these projects happening around the world today.
Some of the local awarenesses they have done in San Diego are:
The Ocean Resource Foundation does not have any local awarenesses or organizations that are listed on their website, if you are interested in the organization and want to contact them. (click 'contact' or a link)
Some of the legal cases, or laws they have taken part in are:
The Ocean Resource Foundation has not been in any legal action that is listed on their web page.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
blog 21
On the other hand Gatsby seems to be having the same problem but in a different way. Instead of attending these scandalous parties, he throws them they are huge party's every week, where everyone can drink, socialize, and dancing. But, Gatsby never participates in these chaotic actions, instead he watches everyone else enjoy themselves. Loving the fact that his guest are enjoy and taking advantage of the turnout of the party. Gatsby shares his past on the way to the lunch in with Nick, he describes a past that doesn't connect with what is going on in his future. Gatsby did not seem like the guy o throw scandalous parties every week.
blog 20
I think that Scott Fiitzgerald chose to have another character tell us the story so that way we can get another persons point of view. I also think that using another character to tell the story feels like I can relate to them and they are better painting a picture for me to better understand the plots, and other situations.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Honors Literature Writing #2
Outrageous literature is amusing and popular because readers want to live outside of their own reality, and those who are raised with certain standards, you become attached in these books with crazy adventures, to read these books is entertainment to those who have "boring" lives, just like smoking is bad, something keeps people addicted just like in like "The Scarlet Letter".
To commit Adultery is wrong, whether a male or female is doing so, this book shows the all the wrong. The book makes all the wrong exciting and interesting because it has so looked down upon back then. For a book to be written like that in that time is rare and more than likely unheard of, people were so caught up in what was write and how to do things correctly and by the book. While reading this book I was excited and fascinated because you don't usually read of things like this.
Although the book was based on Religion and sin I still found it interesting how the characters reacted, and handled the situations in the book. Religion in books is never made a mockery of and I left the Author portrayed that in a symbolic way by showing how uptight the people were about little things like an illegitimate child being born and having to be public embarrassed because of it, now a days if that would have happened it would have handled differently let alone not at all because it happens daily, showing that the ways of people have changed dramatically.
The book "The Scarlet Letter" and ones alike start off with a interesting plot to immediately grab the reader into the book, when I first started reading I was captivated in the first scene with the girl being punished for committing Adultery, and even her own child was also looked down upon and shunned by the Puritan community for committing such a sin and having an illegitimate child.
Without books that are daring and adventurest, there would not be many "must reads" or "I couldn't put the book down it was so good". Back then Authors where looked down upon for writing such stories, but without books like this we would never pick up another book by our own free will, and actually enjoy it.
"The Scarlet Letter" was meant to be a symbol of shame, because of the events that took place. I don't see the book as a symbol of shame just because of an "illegitimate" child was born. Being a illegitimate child I find no wrong in the child and I think it was wrong for the child to be looked down upon for her mothers actions. I would like to know when books with such thoughts started to be published, and if they knew they had suck controversial ideas why would they continue publishing them if the public had such a negative outlook on books like "The Scarlet Letter"
Some may think that books like "The Scarlet Letter" might ruin to flow of society and drag a certain generation or group of people to do things in books like these, I feel books like these can be real life problems, conflicts, secrets, revenge, or crazy plots. But reading one book wont make someone commit a murder just because they read a mystery book to prove that they wont get caught, I see books as movies that you have to create yourself in your head with lots of imagination and creativity.
I am glad and feel lucky that there are such creative Authors out there in the world to allow me and others readers to escape from the real word and all its daily predictable troubles, I enjoy reading books that have me wanting to be the character and feel what the character is going through. I feel it is not a problem to have a book with such crazy and unheard of ideas because it helps me grow as a person and if I was ever put in anytime of situation I can learn from books because the characters are so strong.