Tuesday, October 27, 2009

blog 17

Coast Keepers-San Diego Coast Keepers protects the region’s bays, beaches, watersheds and ocean for the people and wildlife that depend on them. We balance community outreach, education, and advocacy to promote stewardship of clean water and a healthy coastal ecosystem.

Surf Riders- Our initiative to protect and restore coastal water quality from the ridges, through our watersheds and out to the near shore ocean where we surf, swim and recreate.

La Jolla Friends of the Seals- To preserve the La Jolla Harbor Seal Colony for ecological, educational, scientific, historic and scenic opportunities
San Diego's Chollas Creek Watershed's Environmental Health Coalition (EHC) -targets outreach programs by monitoring participation in watershed cleanup and other environmental activities.

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program- to protect and improve water quality of the ocean, rivers, creeks and bays in the region, and achieve Municipal Storm Water Permit compliance.
for more water helping organizations go to the following link

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