Tuesday, December 1, 2009

photo contest

link to the contest
In order to enter this photo contest there is a $25 entry fee that can be paid by cash or credit
Send as many as 20 of your very best images in these topics for an entry fee of $25 (US):
• Ocean weather: waves, storms, rain, fog, lightning
• Beaches, shores, estuaries, tide zones, tide pools
• Tropical and temperate reef ecosystems
• Shallow-shore and deep-water environments
• All living things that depend upon the oceans: fish,
mammals, birds, plants, etc., in or near the water
IMPORTANT: All images must be taken in the wild of natural settings and behaviors. No captive animals will be considered and no entrapment of any kind is permissible.

To enter online
BEFORE YOU BEGIN Save your images as Low Resolution Jpegs and have camera and caption information (see
detailed instructions on page 2) ready to put into the online entry form. (Some of the information on the form is optional)
Save your images as Low Resolution Jpeg files NO LARGER THAN 500 KB in size.
• IMAGE DOCUMENT SIZE: Approximately 6” on the longest side at 72 pixels per inch (ppi).
• COLOR SPACE: RGB (ProPhoto or LAB color space is preferred, but Adobe RGB 1998 and sRGB are acceptable.)
• IMAGEMODE: 16-bit is preferred, but 8-bit is acceptable.
• DIGITAL IMAGE FILE NAMES: Identify each electronic image file with your First and Last name. Use an underscore
to separate the brief species name and location.Make sure the file name ends in “.jpg.”
(EXAMPLE: DavyJones_Orca_PugetSound.jpg)
• Natural feeding, breeding, and other behavior
• Geologic processes or features on seashores or in the ocean
• People enjoying the ocean environment
• Submersibles and mini-subs
• Sunken vessels
• SCUBA, hard hat, and free diving, snorkeling

I believe my photos are very nice, and high quality. I think some of my photos will be selected since the marjority of my photos are of free wildlife and human interaction, and I feel that makes a great nature photo. I also think the captions I will be submitting are going to be informational to the readers so they can learn more about the recently ended contrevsey.

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