Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Semester two #5

Audrey Le: Some high quality work I found on Audrey's blog is her photo essay, she has amazing high quality photos, the obey a few of Randy's photography suggestions, and it was published organized. It stood out to me because the photos needed a story or caption to explain why they were taken and thats exactly what happened when I was on her blog.

Dani Toscano:
A high quality blogpost I found on this page was the Mentor interview, the layout meet a lot of the article checklist suggestions. I found it difficult to post my mentor interview on blogger but Dani did just that and it turned out great. There is good writing and it stood out to me.

Sai Prasad:
On Sai's blog i felt the photo essay was high quality, I really enjoyed the fact he put a quote before starting the photo essay to give the reader an insight to where he interned, how people reacted to this, and more. This stood out to me of course because the qoute was in bold font.

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