Thursday, January 21, 2010

Internship #10

While working for my internship, a question I have come up with for the world is "Why are we so judgemental to those who dont look, or act like 'normal' people?" I am asking this question because knowing my students they go to S.E.E.D.S to learn to act "normal" in a community setting. People with cognative disablities know that they are different, and people will judge them if they dont act the apporpiate way.

possible questions to ask Stacy:

- If you had the chance to tell everyone in the world about people with cognative disablities, what would you say?

- What made you decide to open up Seeds?

- What is difficult about non- profit organizations?

- How long has it been since you founded seeds?

- What is your favorite part about your job?

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