Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Internship # 13

When I first walked into the SEEDS class I was overwhelmed with all types of emotions I wasnt sure if the students wern't going to accept me. I stood in the corner silent until A student came p to me and said "Hi! Im John, whats your name?" I replied with "My name is Jasmine, nice to meet you Jhon I will be interning with you guys for the month" Jhon was then really excited and showed me around making me feel welcomed. This showed me to make everyone feel welcome and safe in a new environment.

My class I teach is no different from the one I attend at HTHMA they get side tracked and text when the teacher is talking but they learn different material, although they are older. I have been teaching my class about different realtionships and personal space. It is easy for them to get involved in class because they strive to learn the things that "normal" people know and they loved to be heard and praised.

These photos above show some of my students I teach on Tuesday nights, I have gotten the chance to learn about these students and know where they struggle most in relationships and their developmental disablities. These students have taught me to accept people for who they are and to learn patience when I feel I will loose it most. They have also taught me to apperciate the things I can do, the simple things like: Communicate rapidly, process words, understand relationship and boundaries without repetative lessons and activites. I have enjoyed every second I was with my kids and I am going to miss them.

1 comment:

  1. this is really cool!
    My favorite was the second picture and caption
    what youre doing really looks like it has a positive impact on them! great job! (: It looks like you're teaching and learning a lot at the same time!
